ClinicalKey - Drug Information Redesign
Company and Year: Elsevier (2021)
Product: ClinicalKey responsive clinical information platform
My Role: Senior UX & UI Designer on ClinicalKey
Tools: Figma (design), Miro, (wireframing), Zoom (user testing)
Deliverables: Research study plans, interview scripts, designs for multi-phase development, as well as strategic advice on how to ingest, tag, and process XML content
The Business Ask:
"Ensure doctors can quickly, safely, make drug focused clinical care decisions, so they do not cause serious harm."
What I Did:
- Created a Miro library of wireframe elements for use during co-creation with Clinicians
- Created research plan, and ran user interviews / co-design sessions with doctors
- Created designs based upon rough wireframes created with physicians, and ran workshop with stakeholders to review and prioritize requested features
Designs and Process:
3 Things I Learned:
Non-designers can design. All the doctors said they couldn't design, but as we shared screens and I played around with visual elements, they had fun and truly co-created.
Make co-creation fun! Be sure to have low-pressure warm-ups to get users settled in.
Have a notetaker with you during co-creation sessions. You're going to be super busy creating, so you'll need the help to ask UX questions.